Revenue Sharing Up $78K

Revenue Sharing Up $78K

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Revenue sharing is up $78,000 this year for Meridian Township. But what does this mean for the Township exactly?

According to Treasurer Julie Brixie, Meridian Township currently gets two types of revenue sharing from the state government - statutory revenue sharing and constitutional revenue sharing.

The amount the state takes in over sales tax determines how much the township will receive.

Each year, the Township receives about $2.4 million from the State of Michigan, which is used for the township's general operations.

"It's a significant amount of money, we really rely on it," said Treasurer Brixie. "The police and fire budgets are the largest budgets we have in the general fund. So, the bulk of the money goes towards keeping people safe."

Last year, the Township received $51,000 more than the year before in revenue sharing.

"It's really positive. It's good for the economic indicator for the State. It means the State is doing better, the recovery from the Great Recession is continuing, and Meridian Township is benefiting from that," said Treasurer Brixie.

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