Welcoming Diversity in Meridian Township: Celebrating Many Cultures

Welcoming Diversity in Meridian 
Township: Celebrating Many Cultures

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Meridian Township residents are joining in on the nationwide celebration of diversity week. Welcoming cultures from around the world within the Township.

Meridian Township Resident, Jeremy Cline commented on the celebration "I'm a supporter of Diversity, because I feel like it kind of gives a spice to he world."

As residents across the Township express what they like about diversity and exposure to new cultures. Retired Detroit Chef Derrick Austin says, "What I like about it is the food aspect of it, because the more diversity in the food the more different cultures when people come around and teaches us more about it too."

Speaking of food, what better way to be diverse than to take in and learn about different cultures and holidays? For some cultures, another thing being celebrated is the Mid- Autumn Festival. Where you take moon cakes and share among family and friends.

At the Oriental Market on Grand River, many people stopped by to prepare for the Chinese traditional Mid-Autumn Festival

International Michigan State student Jiajin Li, explained a little more in depth what the holiday is.

"It's actually a Chinese festival where people and unions, and families get to gather and eat moon cakes. And only in that time a family can get together, eat diner and have some fun. It's a typical Chinese get-together festival," explained Li.

Despite only being here for a short period of time, Michigan State University students already feel at home within the Townships diverse community.

Li is spending his first Mid-Autumn Festival here in the United States.

"Very welcoming, I like this place very much" says Li, as he shares his experiences about how welcoming Meridian Township is.

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