MHSAA Set To Continue Work on Concussion Education

MHSAA Set To Continue Work on Concussion 

LANSING - The Representative Council of the Michigan High School Athletic Association will meet in May to discuss the furthering and possible action of education on concussions to the students and parents of the state.

The MHSAA Physical Exam/Clearance/Consent forms, MHSAA rules/risk management and the frequency of in-depth concussion information being talked about and discussed could be on the agenda.

MHSAA Communications Director John Johnson speculated on the possible effects of the impending spring meeting.

"When a student is concussed, the Council is going to look at implementing a form that must be signed off by the parents and the student, again, saying that they understand that they've had a concussion, they understand the risks of coming back to play," John Johnson said at the MHSAA office in East Lansing. "That will be one of the strengthening things for the return to play protocol."

"We will also be looking at the numbers from the winter sport season, and we will also be looking at football, at putting some recommendations on the amount of time that can be spent in actual contact."

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