Reception Farewell for Township Manager Jerry Richards

Reception Farewell for 
Township Manager Jerry Richards

MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Township Manager Jerry Richards spent his last day at Meridian Township saying his farewells with staff, officials, community members and organizations, family and friends. The Meridian Township Hall was packed with people wishing Jerry well on his future endeavors and showing appreciation to him for his years of service to the region. In his farewell speech Jerry sincerely thanked the citizens for helping be a part of launching several efforts in the township including recycling and energy conservation and most recently the Okemos Library project. Amongst the presenters was Director of External Affairs Tony Baltimore who presented Jerry with a Congressional Tribute from Congressman Mike Rogers office. A Special Tribute was given by State Representative Sam Singh on behalf of himself and Senator Gretchen Whitmer.

In a facebook post on Friday, Township Treasurer Julie Brixie wrote “Today is Township Manager Jerry Richards last day of work. Jerry has been a terrific asset to Meridian Township and has seen us through the good times and the lean times. Jerry's positive attitude, keen grasp of municipal operations and great depth of experience have yielded so many positive things for Meridian Township. Jerry we will miss you.”

Meridian Township Director of Public Works and Engineering; Ray Severy has been designated as acting Township Manager until Frank Walsh starts as Township Manager on May 8. Jerry Richards served Meridian Township for over two decades.

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