Grow, Cook, Learn: Learning

Grow, Cook, Learn: Learning

UPDATE: EAST LANSING - At the end of every day of camp. the campers look forward to one thing... Games.

"I sometimes think that the best way to learn is having fun with it. It helps you remember, because sometimes in school, kids might fall asleep because they're so bored, so it's just fun learning in a fun way" said camper, Catie Jacobs.

Owner of Grow, Cook, Learn camp, Stephanie, said, "They're learning but they don't necessarily realize that they're learning. And that's just the best way to learn and It just makes me feel like I'm really good at what I do."

"I like making the stuff and going to the garden and doing the games that you can learn about cooking stuff and gardening tools" said camper, Gwyn Reynolds.

Stephanie is glad to be working with the people at Fork in the Road Restaurant in Lansing.

"They believe that children need to know where food comes from and how to have basic cooking skills. So, that, they have that appreciation and knowledge to know how to cook," said Stephanie.

And parents are happy with what their kids are learning at camp.

"Parents have been telling me that their kids love it. That they are making the recipes at home, that it's the best camp the kids have ever been to. I've heard only positive things," said Stephanie.

"This is one of my favorite camps ever," said Gwyn.

The last session of camp runs from September 4th until October 2nd, for 3-4 year olds.

ORIGINAL STORY: EAST LANSING - The final part of my three-part series will be on the next Meridian Magazine. The kids in the Grow, Cook, Learn camp will tell you what they learned and how they will use it in the future. Stay tuned for the games and lessons about gardening and cooking.

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