Women Health Care Bill Update

Women Health Care Bill Update

UPDATE: LANSING - Two months ago, the Capitol steps were anything but quiet. Thousands of people gathered to protest the silencing of two Michigan House Representatives after they spoke out against House Bill 5711 and used the words "vagina" and "vasectomy".

The bill was recently reintroduced by Republican Senator Rick Jones of the 24th District.

“All of the controversy that occurred in the house, that brought on the vagina word on the house floor and somebody got gaveled down, that controversy was used to throw off what really the bill seems to do in my opinion, simple, common sense safety regulations,” commented Senator Jones.

The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks and require clinics to carry one million dollars in liability insurance.

ORIGINAL STORY: LANSING - House Bill 5711 was re-introduced, Meridian Magazine has the interview with Senator Rick Jones to hear how the bill could affect women’s reproductive health.

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