Amnesty for Underage Drinkers

Amnesty for Underage Drinkers

UPDATE: EAST LANSING - The state of Michigan recently passed a law that will give a measure of amnesty to underage drinkers.

"When I was a freshman, MSU was known as that textbook party school but it's made leaps and bounds since I've been there," said Steve Marino, former Study Body President of Michigan State University.

Although Michigan has made many strides in the past few years, it still deals with an issue prevalent on almost every college campus across the US.

"if your under 21 you don't drink, if you do, you get in trouble," said Kevin Kueppers, resident of East Lansing.

But now college students have a chance to seek help without punishment.

"It would protect any minor who called on behalf who called on another intoxicated individual. It would protect any minor who accompaniment an intoxicated an individual. If a minor was so inbreaited, but still able to seek assistance on their own behalf, then that particular minor would be exempt from prosecution," said Marino

Some can see the potential in the new law.

"Now we're gonna be like, ok now I see he needs help, I'm gonna call the ambulance, and I feel like its gonna be really helpful in preventing those un-needed alcohol poisoning deaths," said Kyle Seawald, student at Michigan State University.

Other aren't so sure.

"Underage, your drinking, its a problem. Did I do it, yes. Did I seek help to correct it? No. But I did not have an issue nor if I got caught, I would face the penalty," said Kueppers.

No Matter what way you stand on the issue, there is a common goal in mind.

"I think that safety is probably the first priority, and as long as we can keep our community safe, we are doing better," said Dwight Washington, student at Michigan State University.

ORIGINAL STORY: EAST LANSING - Meridian Magazine has the latest on a new law that will give underage drinkers a measure of amnesty.

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