Township Road Repair Proposition

Township Road Repair Proposition

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - On average five miles of local roads are repaired annually in Meridian Township.

Ingham County gives the township an allotment to help and some money from the township's general fund is used but a majority of funding for local road maintenance comes from the Road Repair Millage.

The millage renewal on the ballot this year is for a .25 mill which is 25 cents for every 1,000 dollars of taxable value and will last for a period of ten years, from 2014 to 2023.

If the millage is not passed the funding for road preservation will be reduced by nearly two thirds when the current millage expires in 2014.

Raymond Severy, Director of Public Works and Engineering in Meridian Township said, "Because if it does not pass, our local roads are going to continue to deteriorate faster then they are now."

In the first year the estimated revenue this renewal would bring comes to about 390,000 dollars.

The renewal can be found on the ballot on August 7th.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - Find out how your vote on the Road Repair Millage can help keep these roads maintained. On the next Meridian Magazine.

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