Urban Services Boundary Plan

Urban Services Boundary Plan

UPDATE: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The plan is meant to address the growing concerns over having future developments too spread out across the township, while subsequently not having the proper funds to run necessary sewer lines and other services out those developments.

"I'd say the goal for this is to reduce sprawl, to build walkable communities to focus our growth so we can make communities that are easier to service, cost less to run the sewers," said Tom Deits, Chair of the Meridian Township Planning Commission.

The plan is still in it's early stages and is now going to be passed onto neighboring communities to receive their input. The public will also have a chance to weigh in on the plans in the near future at planned public hearings.

ORIGINAL STORY: MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP - The Meridian Township Planning Commission has been working for years now on a plan to address worries over unnecessary urban sprawl in the area and what it could mean for the township's bottom line.

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